You talkin about me?

Got an interesting surprise the other day while driving back to work from a wedding shoot on location. I was listening to on my iPod Touch, one of my favorite regular photography podcasts I subscribe and listen to when all of a sudden they mentioned a photo from a guy living in Japan called Pete Leong had placed quite high in a national competition. Although they did butcher by last name a bit and made it sound as though it was pronounced in a french accent. They were actually talking about one of my HDR (High Dynamic Range) shots that I entered in a a popular photography magazine photo contest and ended up placing in the top 10 for all of Japan. It made for an otherwise normal day at the office interesting! 8) Although I didnt win thousands of dollars for the placing I did receive some photo editing software called Digital Darkroom and is apparently worth 180 bucks or so. Not that Id ever use it because I already have Photoshop and Lightroom anyway and plus its in Japanese which doesn't help either. It was nice anyway. Click here to see the shot.

To see my mention click the link and scroll down to near the bottom of the show notes for #84 

And if your interested in any geeky tech toys, camera or video etc. related download and listen to their shows. Tons of interesting and funny stuff on there!
If your reading, thanks for the mention Phil! 


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