Muscle beach classic Okinawa 2012
300 (Muscle beach classic Okinawa 2012), a photo by Shenanigans in Japan on Flickr.
This was only my 2nd time to see a bodybuilding competition before but the first time to tackle shooting so many competitors. It was required that I shoot each and every athlete plus additional images for those athletes that purchased a cd and images directly from me. In total I had about 25 people that I needed to remember to shoot for the entire time they were on stage plus any chance I got to shoot back stage as the contestants got pumped up, applied final layers of bronzer on their bodies etc..
It was a very long but fun day. The real hard work came back on the computer where I had to edit all the images, make sure I had enough images for each person and then go through the entire series of images 25 times to separate each persons individual photos for burning to cd. Quite a long and involved task.
Here are a small sample of images from the day.